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How To Check Free CIBIL Score Check With PAN Number?

by Nellie Heaton
Check Free CIBIL Score

Monitoring credit scores is essential for anyone looking to manage their financial health effectively and secure favourable loan terms. Your credit score affects your ability to obtain credit for the interest rates you pay and can even influence the terms of financial agreements you enter into. Using your PAN number to access this information is super easy! Here’s a rundown on how to check your credit score for free using your PAN number, offering a secure and convenient way to monitor your financial standing.

Why Use Your PAN Number To Check Your Credit Score?

Your PAN (Permanent Account Number) card is a vital identifier for financial activities in India. It links to all your financial transactions, making it an efficient way to access your credit history. Using your PAN number for credit inquiries ensures that the credit bureau retrieves the correct financial information specific to you, allowing for an accurate credit score.

How to Check Credit Score For Free Using PAN Number?

Step 1: Visit the Official Credit Bureau Website

To begin, visit the official website of a recognised credit bureau. These platforms are secure and ensure the confidential handling of your personal data. Accessing these services through their official sites is crucial to avoid scams and ensure the accuracy of your credit information.

Step 2: Enter Required Details

On the credit bureau’s website, look for the option to check credit score for free and fill in the required fields. You must input your full name, date of birth, and PAN number. This step is crucial as it uses your PAN to fetch financial transactions and credit behaviour from various lenders and financial institutions.

Step 3: Complete The Identity Verification Process

To protect your data and confirm your identity, you’ll be prompted to verify yourself through an OTP sent to your registered mobile or by answering personal security questions. This step is critical to prevent identity theft and unauthorised access to your personal financial data.

Step 4: Access Your Credit Score

Once verified, you’ll gain access to your credit score and a basic credit report. Depending on the bureau’s offerings, this report may be viewable online or downloadable. It provides a snapshot of your creditworthiness, which lenders use to evaluate loan and credit applications.

Best Practices For Maintaining A Healthy Credit Score

Maintaining a good credit score is not just about regular checks but also about managing your finances responsibly:

  • Timely Payments: Ensure all your credit card bills and loan EMIs are paid on time. Delays or defaults can negatively impact your credit score.
  • Credit Utilization: Keep your credit utilisation ratio low (preferably under 30%) to show you are not overly reliant on credit.
  • Monitor Joint Accounts: If you have joint accounts, ensure all parties involved manage the account responsibly. The actions of either party can affect your credit scores.

The Impact Of A PAN Card On Financial Opportunities

Your PAN card is more than just a tax identifier; it plays a significant role in your financial journey. Linking to every financial account you own gathers a comprehensive view of your financial health. Lenders use this data to assess your creditworthiness and decide on the credit terms they offer you. A good credit score, fetched via your PAN, can open doors to better interest rates, higher loan amounts, and more flexible repayment options, enhancing your ability to manage and invest your resources effectively.


Checking your credit score is a fundamental aspect of managing your financial health. Using your PAN number to check your credit score for free is a secure and efficient method. It not only helps in monitoring your creditworthiness but also assists in planning future financial endeavours. Regular checks ensure that you stay informed about your financial status and can take proactive steps towards improving or maintaining a good credit score.

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